Raid on Gun sites at Sangatte, France: 20th September 1944

6194 BIN 20.9.44 // 8" 2,500" <- ?????
SANGATTE K. 13x1,000, 4x500 c 25 secs F/O Owen K2 460
20/9/1944 460 Squadron K2 Killer unloads 13x1,000 lb and 4x500 lb bombs 2nd frontline German troop and gun concentration

Gun sites at Sangatte, 20th September 1944, 14:48 hours, 2,500 feet.

Log book states – Bomb Load: 13 x 1000, 4 x 500 pound.

Safety bombing height with 1000 pounder bombs was 4,000 feet. On this raid because of the low cloud, we had to bomb from 2,500 feet. When we returned to base, it was found that the nosecap from a 1000 pound bomb had lodged in one of the engines on one of our Lancasters. Our impression of bombing at such a low height was that it gave us a very rough ride through the target from the percussion waves coming up underneath us.

Excerpt from "Flying into the Mouth of Hell", by Laurie Woods

The gun sites at Sandgatte were becoming troublesome and on 20 September at 15:05 in K2 "Killer" we were detailed on a raid to damage them and, hopefully, put them out of order.

Visibility was good over the target and as the bombs hit the emplacements it was very satisfying to see the guns and debris being flung right left and centre, and the earth churned and thrown aside leaving a multitude of great craters. The bombing resulted in a good concentration of explosions and much damage to the gun emplacements.

Our bomb load 13 x 1,000 lbs. and 4 x 500 lbs.

On the return flight to base, fog had closed in, and we were diverted to Spilsbury, where we were bedded down for the night. We were impressed with their food in the mess and promised to drop in again for a meal if we were passing. Our home base was closed by the fog until almost mid–day and we were ordered to have lunch before returning to base. After our lunch at 14:35 we returned to base in 35 minutes flying.

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